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Menopause at work: how to remove the stigmaMenopause at work: how to remove the stigma
Menopause at work: how to remove the stigma

Menopause is a natural process that affects half the population, yet is shrouded by stigma in the workplace. How can HR leaders break the silence and combat the menopause stigma facing their employees?

Tool: Maven’s clinically-validated social determinants of health screenerTool: Maven’s clinically-validated social determinants of health screener
Tool: Maven’s clinically-validated social determinants of health screener

Access the new, three-question social needs screening tool that takes less than one minute and can be completed digitally, created and validated by Maven's clinical research team.

FAQs: COVID-19, boosters, and new variantsFAQs: COVID-19, boosters, and new variants
FAQs: COVID-19, boosters, and new variants

Maven Chief Medical Officer Neel Shah, MD, MPP, FACOG, answers frequently asked questions from Maven members about COVID-19 this winter season.

How to provide the postpartum care your employees need
How to provide the postpartum care your employees need

Here's how access to postpartum care can improve your team's maternal and child health.

Four Tips for Talking to Pregnant Employees about the Vaccine
Four Tips for Talking to Pregnant Employees about the Vaccine

Talking to your emplyoees about COVID-19 vaccines can be difficult. Use these tips to get the facts you need to feel prepared.

With Only 26% of Pregnant People in the United States Vaccinated Against COVID-19, New Survey Sheds Light on the Reasons Why
With Only 26% of Pregnant People in the United States Vaccinated Against COVID-19, New Survey Sheds Light on the Reasons Why

Only 26% of pregnant people have received at least one dose of the vaccine. We surveyed 500 pregnant people in the U.S. to understand why.

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