Despite affecting over two million Americans each year, menopause remains shrouded in stigma, especially in the workplace. Studies show nearly 15% of women have experienced at least one adverse work outcome because of menopause. In fact, 20% of people with menopause have quit or considered leaving a job due to their symptoms. Because menopause affects so many employees each year but is still heavily stigmatized and not discussed in the workplace, global productivity losses due to menopause can top $150 billion per year.

Even when offering robust reproductive health benefits, employers often neglect to address the effects of menopause on their workforce. From providing tailored benefits to fostering age-inclusive workplaces, here’s how HR leaders can modify their office and working spaces to better support their menopausal employees.

Understanding menopause and its impact on the workplace

Although menopause officially happens when someone has gone 12 months without a period, many people with ovaries start experiencing physical and psychological symptoms up to seven years before the cessation of their menstrual cycles, a time period called perimenopause.

However, many doctors are not equipped to treat perimenopausal or menopausal patients—80% of OB-GYN residents indicate they are "barely comfortable" discussing or treating menopause. This stage of life can be especially lonely and difficult for employees, who often face additional shame and confusion during the perimenopausal years due to new symptoms and little to no support from the traditional healthcare system. 

The most commonly reported symptoms of menopause include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Brain fog
  • Poor concentration
  • Depression
  • Anxiety 
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Night sweats
  • Lower confidence and self-esteem
  • Headaches 
  • Joint pain 

Why office environment matters for menopausal employees

Since over 20% of working women are menopause-aged, it's important for all workplaces to optimize office design to better accommodate employees experiencing menopausal symptoms.

Supporting your menopausal women employees is not only the right thing to do—it's also good for business. Inclusive workplaces have better employee retention rates and higher profitability. Small adjustments to the physical workplace can make a big difference for menopausal employees, allowing them to be more comfortable and productive at work. Implementing these small changes can make for happier and healthier employees and companies.  

Creating a menopause-friendly office: Essential changes for employers

Key physical changes to support menopausal employees

Temperature control

Hot flashes—one of the most commonly reported menopause symptoms—can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, and distracting. One of the best ways to deal with them is through easy and accessible temperature regulation, like installing adjustable thermostats in work areas. Flexible working arrangements like remote work can allow employees to manage their symptoms more autonomously. However, for in-person jobs that do not have a remote option, desk fans, portable fans, or access to cooler working areas can be inexpensive options to mitigate discomfort, as can ensuring adequate ventilation and air circulation throughout the workplace.

Lighting adjustments

In addition to adjustable thermostats, adjustable lighting can help reduce glare and eye strain, which can help ease menopausal symptoms like headaches. Offering task lighting for individual workspaces also allows employees experiencing menopause to have more control over their physical working environment. Whenever possible, provide access to natural light, or allow employees to take breaks outside.

Ergonomic furniture

To help with menopause symptoms like joint pain and discomfort, invest in ergonomic office setups. When possible, provide employees with ergonomic chairs and desks, as well as footrests and lumbar support cushions. If employees must be standing at work, cushioned floor mats can help alleviate joint pain. Allowing employees to adjust temperature, lighting, and other individual workstation configurations can help to accommodate different needs.  

Rest and relaxation areas

You can also support your employees experiencing menopause by creating dedicated quiet rooms or wellness areas for breaks and rest as needed while at work. Having a space with comfortable seating and good ventilation for employees experiencing hot flashes can be helpful. Amenities like water coolers and healthy snacks can also be beneficial.

Private spaces

While making reasonable adjustments in common workplace areas is helpful, it is also necessary to provide private space options as well. Ensure employees experiencing menopause have access to private areas for bathroom breaks or taking medication. In addition to gender-neutral bathrooms, consider providing changing rooms or personal lockers. If possible, create discreet, private spaces for confidential conversations and phone calls, or allow for flexible working arrangements so employees can better manage their menopause symptoms and access virtual health care.

Beyond HRT: Building better menopause & midlife health benefits

Discover how to build comprehensive, holisitic benefits that support employees as they navigate midlife health.

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Beyond HRT: Building better menopause & midlife health benefits

Health and wellness resources

Since the vast majority of women did not learn anything about menopause in school or through their doctor, the workplace can be an important site for education. This education can take place in employee resource groups and more private spaces, but it's also important to encourage these conversations more publicly for greater awareness.

On-site wellness programs and resources can be a good place for employees to access information on managing menopausal symptoms or supporting their colleagues. These wellness programs can also encourage participation in health and fitness activities, which can help mitigate symptoms.

Virtual care platforms like Maven can help make menopause education and support more accessible.  Maven's patient-centered care model meets the changing needs of menopausal members through dedicated care teams and care advocacy, unlimited access to trained specialists, and educational resources, tailoring the experience for each individual's unique needs and symptoms.

Training and awareness for managers and employees

While educating all staff about menopause and its impact is helpful, it's especially important to teach managers about menopause at work and train them to support their employees effectively. Training managers to have these conversations promotes open communication and can help reduce the stigma of discussing menopause in the workplace and beyond.

Measuring the impact of office changes

Once you've implemented changes to make the workplace more comfortable and accessible for people experiencing menopause, you can assess their effectiveness through surveys and soliciting employee feedback. Surveying employees can inform what changes to make in the first place. Subsequently, follow-up surveys can help office managers make data-driven adjustments to office design and policies.

Building menopause-friendly work environments with Maven

Office design is an important and often overlooked aspect of an inclusive work environment, especially for people going through menopause. By providing comfortable accommodations and specific benefits that help menopausal employees manage their symptoms at work and at home, companies can improve retention, productivity, and morale, leading to lower healthcare costs and optimized revenue.‍

Maven is the complete platform for employers seeking to provide more inclusive care to women and families. As the leading platform with specialists trained to support employees through every aspect of menopause, Maven allows companies to offer comprehensive and holistic menopause benefits to their employees. Diverse specialists including OB-GYNs, therapists, nutritionists, and coaches are available 24/7/365 to help members understand and address symptoms. 

By offering members high-touch care navigation and specialized care teams, Maven delivers the right care at the right time, all within a seamless virtual experience. To learn more about how Maven can help your company build better menopause benefits, contact us today.

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