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Menopause at work: how to remove the stigmaMenopause at work: how to remove the stigma
Menopause at work: how to remove the stigma

Menopause is a natural process that affects half the population, yet is shrouded by stigma in the workplace. How can HR leaders break the silence and combat the menopause stigma facing their employees?

Tool: Maven’s clinically-validated social determinants of health screenerTool: Maven’s clinically-validated social determinants of health screener
Tool: Maven’s clinically-validated social determinants of health screener

Access the new, three-question social needs screening tool that takes less than one minute and can be completed digitally, created and validated by Maven's clinical research team.

FAQs: COVID-19, boosters, and new variantsFAQs: COVID-19, boosters, and new variants
FAQs: COVID-19, boosters, and new variants

Maven Chief Medical Officer Neel Shah, MD, MPP, FACOG, answers frequently asked questions from Maven members about COVID-19 this winter season.

Specialty Care in the Maternity Journey: Doulas Drive Better Outcomes with Education and Compassion
Specialty Care in the Maternity Journey: Doulas Drive Better Outcomes with Education and Compassion

Doulas play an integral role in the maternal care journey, and can help solve some of the inequities endemic to the ongoing maternal health crisis in the US and abroad.

Zynga Improves Clinical Outcomes with Maven Fertility and Maternal Care
Zynga Improves Clinical Outcomes with Maven Fertility and Maternal Care

Learn how Zynga is supporting all paths to parenthood and improving health outcomes for all employees—all while lowering costs. Read the case study.

Maven's presentation at ACOG examines delivery outcomes for Maven members
Maven's presentation at ACOG examines delivery outcomes for Maven members

Maven presented a poster on delivery outcomes for over 1,000 Maven members at ACOG's annual clinical and scientific meeting. Findings include a 30% lower C-section rate and 29% lower NICU admission rate among early Maven enrollers.

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